In the past few weeks I think we can all safely say we have gained a little more faith in our generation. I have always advocated direct action since a young age, but have never really attended any events that could be considered direct action, mainly to do with money and transport. None the less I have really been inspired to go out and do my bit for the first time. to maybe actually be able to stand next to the opinions that I have and help change a situation Icompletely disagree with.
My idea is to fly-post, Fly-posting is usually used for advertising raves and music events it is illegal under the "anti social behaviour act" so take caution, or read the link below. So I will Fly-post messages around my local area to keep the student population thinking about it. or essentially angry and to help keep it in the minds of the public that might need a little reminder. Possibly even fly posting near government buildings to keep it in the eye of the people who need to be reminded.
I think we are seeing a small change in society that has the potential to be really positive. I want to be apart of this movement. I'm sick of "ohdearism" I'm sick of apathy.
The potential of my little misdemeanor is to organise another protest, or just to inform the general public that it is unlikely they will benefit from the cuts at hand. and to remind people for as long as possible that we as a generation have more in us than expected.
Im glad to be apart of this generation, one that has some of the biggest responsibilities that mankind has ever faced.
to see the demonstrations was a beacon of light in what was a rather lonely dark world.
Here is a great sight about fly-posting and your rights if you are caught.
Good luck.